
Part 2 - Sugar, Immunity & Glycemic Control

When we eat a meal, blood sugar levels rise, peaking 1-2h postprandially (post-eating) & normalizing by 3-4h postprandially. Sugar in the blood is problematic so insulin rises after eating to help shunt glucose out of the blood & into the tissues.

Much of what we know about sugar & immunity comes from looking at diabetes - a condition where hyperglycemia (too much sugar in the blood) is a defining feature. Sustained high blood glucose (for example in poorly controlled diabetes) can cause a dysfunction of many components of the immune system increasing risk for several inflammatory conditions, more frequent infections, complications & reduced recovery.⠀

There are numerous mechanism by which hyperglycemia has negative effects on immunity:

1️⃣Enhanced virulence of infectious germs by changing molecules on our cells surfaces ex. Advanced Glycemic End (AGEs) products: sugars stick on our own proteins disrupting their function & trigger unruly inflammation.

2️⃣Dicarbonyls are breakdown products of glucose that interfere with infection-controlling antimicrobial immune molecules called β-defensins. Beta Defensins are small proteins that function in antimicrobial defense by penetrating a microbe's cell membrane and cause microbial death in a manner similar to that of antibiotics

3️⃣Immune responses are energetically costly & have varying needs for different metabolic fuels (proteins, carbs & fats) depending on what function they are carrying out. Blood sugar needs to be able to get into immune cells so they can carry out their function. But if insulin control of blood sugar is not working properly, then energy can’t get from blood to cells & immunity can be compromised.

4️⃣Increased oxidative stress, a disease-causing mechanism that links elevated blood sugar & insulin resistance with the dysfunction of certain crucial protective mechanisms in the body, which over time leads to inflammatory disease e.g. heart disease.

These are just SOME of the problematic mechanisms at play with poor glycemic control. But what if you are not diabetic? Glycemic control is still really important to overall health. But before you say ‘sugar is bad’ consider that this doesn't make sense unless you also consider what your overall diet looks like. Context matters.

PART 1: Does Sugar Really Hurt Our Immunity?

A much- requested post so I am going to split it into two. #Sugar might be the nutritional demon du jour but there is a lot more to the story.

Now I don’t know about you but I don’t know anyone who eats just sugar. Generally, we eat food & this is your first clue: diet is the sum of its parts. If I eat a tablespoon of white sugar right now is it bad for me? Will it harm my immune system? Without looking in context of my overall diet, it would be impossible to say.⠀

Sugar comes to us not just by way of what we traditionally think of as white table sugar, but from any starchy carbohydrate food which gets broken down into simple sugar molecules in our digestive tracts. This is the second critical point: carbohydrates, like other macronutrients, cannot simply be classified as good or bad despite whatever fad diet comes about: context matters.

The idea that sugar can weaken the immune system came about several decades ago when studies showed that neutrophils (a type of immune cell) in test tubes were less good at doing their job in the 5hours after a person had eaten sugary foods. But this hasn't been replicated with direct scientific evidence to suggest that consuming sugar will directly weaken your immune system. Because context matters & (to reiterate) diet is the sum of its parts.

BUT sugary foods ARE easy to eat, hitting that bliss point, making them easy to overconsume. We do know that consistently eating TOO MUCH can adversely impact immune function.

Sugary foods also tend to be LOW IN fiber & phytonutrients (a broad name for a wide variety of compounds produced by plants. Like:antioxidants, flavonoids, phytochemicals, flavones, isoflavones, catechins, anthocyanidins, isothiocyanates, carotenoids, allyl sulfides, polyphenols), which are key to nourishing your immune system & keeping it functioning well for the long game. Too many sugary foods can crowd out the good stuff.

Emerging research into the microbiota that support your immune system also hints that eating too much sugar, in lieu of healthier foods, might have a negative impact on immunity.⠀⠀⠀⠀

But you know this is not the end of the story. More to come in my next post. Let us know any questions you have in the comments below!

Seasonal Allergies Support Kit Part 3

Cures From Nature

  • Butterbur

One of nature’s best allergy remedies, butterbur has the ability to promote respiratory health by reducing swelling in the nasal passages. And unlike most over-the-counter products, it won’t cause the dreaded drowsiness or restlessness that interrupts your sleep cycle or daily routine.

  • Quercetin

When used as a preventative remedy, quercetin has a histamine-blocking effect that shows promising results for most allergy sufferers. Quercetin can be found in many fruits and vegetables, but taking it in supplement form will offer the most effective results.

  • Bromelain

A mixture of enzymes found in pineapple fruit and stems, bromelain has been shown to reduce nasal swelling and thin mucus. The effectiveness of quercetin appears to be boosted by bromelain, too; the two are often found together in supplements.

Seasonal Allergies Support Kit (Part 1)

From the sniffling and sneezing to the red eyes and itchy nose, allergies rank high on the health misery scale. Whether you flare up from time to time or live with them chronically, allergies can make you feel run down, foggy, brained, and irritable. To make matters worse, most conventional allergy treatments will induce either drowsiness or restlessness. And they certainly don’t address the root cause of the ailment – they just suppress symptoms temporarily.

One of the best-kept secrets of “alternative” medicine is that allergies are treatable through natural methods. An allergic reaction happens when your immune system believes that it is being compromised. This occurs when a foreign substance (like pollen or dander) enters the body. In response to this “threat,” your immune system creates antibodies to fight off the attacker, which results in inflammation. The result? Swollen sinuses, headaches, skin reactions, and all those other irritating symptoms.

With a few preventative lifestyle adjustments and holistic, plant-based remedies, treating allergies is possible without a prescription:

Here are my go-to’s for minor allergy symptoms.

Often overlooked....eating an anti-inflammatory diet really is key to keeping overall inflammation levels lower in the body, which can help with overall immune response.⁣

Removing food triggers is KEY. Jorge had OUTRAGEOUS seasonal allergy symptoms until we ran food sensitivity testing on him and found out he was wildly reactive to a few items! Once we pulled it out, his symptoms decreased by 90%. Now they're a mild discomfort when pollen pops off.⁣