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Seasonal Allergies Support Kit Part 3

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Seasonal Allergies Support Kit (Part 3) Diane Melano

Cures From Nature

  • Butterbur

One of nature’s best allergy remedies, butterbur has the ability to promote respiratory health by reducing swelling in the nasal passages. And unlike most over-the-counter products, it won’t cause the dreaded drowsiness or restlessness that interrupts your sleep cycle or daily routine.

  • Quercetin

When used as a preventative remedy, quercetin has a histamine-blocking effect that shows promising results for most allergy sufferers. Quercetin can be found in many fruits and vegetables, but taking it in supplement form will offer the most effective results.

  • Bromelain

A mixture of enzymes found in pineapple fruit and stems, bromelain has been shown to reduce nasal swelling and thin mucus. The effectiveness of quercetin appears to be boosted by bromelain, too; the two are often found together in supplements.